We started retailing craft beers in Singapore by setting up a brick-and-mortar (although we used mostly wood) shop 'The Great Beer Experiment' at the very first farmer's market in Singapore - PasarBella. It was a very lively collective of producers and retailers of seafood, meat, dairy, fresh produce, wines, coffees and craft beers housed in The Grandstand (a former horse racing ground), off Bukit Timah Road.
That was in 2012. Our mission was simple - to educate, to excite and to build a community through craft beers. Years later, a second shop was set up at Orchard Road - to bring ourselves closer to the after-work crowd as well as public transport (getting to the Grandstand always promises a good cardio workout and our rickety joints were feeling it). When Covid hit in 2020, we figured the best way to be accessible to everyone was to ramp up our online store and go fully online.
Surely we've missed the IRL events and tasting sessions from those years. But so long as we put in the effort to stay in touch with everyone whether by phone, social media, newsletters and other community events, our mission still remains. The essence of what we do is building relationships, perhaps because it can get quite lonely having our laptops as companions 24/7.
Through The Great Beer Experiment, we've witnessed customers become brewers, journeyed from singlehood to parents, and crazy as it sounds, parents to grandparents.
Photos: The Great Beer Experiment @ PasarBella 2012

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